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Tanzania – PVoC – TBS taking action against substandard lubricating oils


Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) has recently issued a Notice to the Public to urge lubricating oils dealers to comply with requirements of the applicable Tanzania standards.

According to this notice, TBS has carried out market surveillance inspection for lubricating oils in the country and has noted with concern that most lubricating oils in the Tanzanian market are substandard. This can be partly verified through labeling information they bear. For example, lubricating oils standards provide for minimum performance of SF and not SC according to API classifications, thus all lubricating oils labeled SC as minimum performance are substandard as per this classification.

TBS has reminded that the requirements of the following Tanzania Standards should be complied accordingly :
- TZS 647 : 2001 Engine oil minimum performance – Specification
- TZS 675 : 2001 Multipurpose automotive gear lubricants (EP) – Specification
- TZS 667 : 2001 Motor vehicle brake fluids – Specification

Furthermore, TBS has also reminded that Regulation 9(1) of the Standards (Compulsory Batch certification of Imports) Regulations of GN No. 405 of 2009 requires that no person shall unload for the Tanzanian market, any commodities or product not conforming to the requirements of the Tanzania standards. Also regulation 9(2) therewith empowers the Bureau to order re-exportation or disposal of any product or commodity not conforming to the requirements of the Tanzania Standard.

Under Section 4(1)(a) of the Standards Act No.2 of 2009, the Bureau is required to undertake measures for quality control of commodities, services and environment of all descriptions, and under section 4(2) therewith, TBS is required to safeguard health, safety, environment and general welfare of the people of Tanzania.

With this notice, all dealers and sellers of lubricating oils are required to stop distributing or selling substandard lubricating oils including the imitated TBS certified “Stanley brands” available in the market which are below the mentioned specifications. TBS will take legal actions against anyone who will be found selling or distributing substandard lubricating oils mentioned and other related poor quality Lubricating oils.

Meanwhile, TBS is in the final stages of investigation and will soon publish all lists of substandard lubricating oils available in the market.

For further information related to the PVoC programme in Tanzania, please visit our website here

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